Groupe ISM-DS: Lesbians and Gay Men Over 60. Where are they? Part 8


Implications for our practice

What can we, as helping professionals, do? To begin with, we must focus on the gay population in general. We must counter homophobia and be sensitive to the effects it has had on gay men and lesbians. For example, gays may have internalized the same homophobia, and thus, may be self-punitive because of it. Any practician with a homophobic attitude will behave in a way that is counter-productive and counter-therapeutic. These practicians will not be effective in working with their gay/lesbian clientele.

Next we should consider that the quality of care we give can be enhanced by having open communication with our lesbian or gay client. Without this, clients are naturally going to be hesitant to relate all information, perhaps hindering their access to appropriate help.

Advocacy is another service we can give to our gay/lesbian clients. An example of this would be supporting clients