The Five Love Languages argues that people express love in different ways, and people feel loved in different ways. These five types of expression and perception are the five
Which Love Language Suits You and Your Partner? | World of Psychology
The Five Love Languages argues that people express love in different ways, and people feel loved in different ways. These five types of expression and perception are the five
Kergan Edwards-Stout: An Open Letter to Rick Santorum
Dear Mr. Santorum,
You were recently quoted as saying that a jailed parent would be better for a child than being raised by a same-sex couple.
Can any of us sit by as someone like this runs for the leader of the United States of America. Can we let blatant ignorance run this country?
7 Ways to Let Go | World of Psychology
You may be grieving the death of a loved one, or the end of a friendship you had hoped would be more, or merely the realization that your father will never be able to give you what you need from that relationship. It seems as though every moment of this life is about letting go, of something or someone that is renting far too much space in our heads.
1) Live in the present
2) Trust the process
3) Expect regression
4) Lose control
5) Make room
6) Break up the pain
7) Identify false belief
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The Year in Gratitude: Introducing the Virtual Gratitude Visit | World of Psychology
The research on gratitude keeps demonstrating how powerful a positive intervention of having gratitude in our lives can be. To acknowledge someone for being in your life is one of the most dynamic ways to increase your well-being and the well-being of others. This exercise works best if you write it down, and even better if you can deliver a letter of gratitude to the person involved. Here
The Neuroscience of
Top athletes know there
9 Tips for Setting Authentic New Year
One of the biggest reasons so many of us hold disdain for New Year