Author Archives: R. Marc Andrews

12 Depression Busters for Men-

Because men aren’t diagnosed with depression as often as women, we tend to downplay the wreckage this illness makes in their lives. Crying mothers makes for better footage on the evening news. So here’s a refresher on some sobering statistics you need to know: 80 percent of all suicides in the US are men; the male suicide rate at midlife is three times higher than women and for men over 65 seven times higher; more than four times as many men as women die of suicide in the United States; even though women make more suicide attempts during their lives, men attempt suicide using methods that are generally more lethal than those used by women; suicide accounts for 1 in 100 deaths, and, as noted above, the majority of those are men; the suicide rate among young men is increasing (not so among young women), and the majority of these men have not asked for help before their deaths.

For more information about counseling and psychology, check out my site at

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12 Depression Busters for Men-

Part of what makes male depression so misunderstood is that a depressed guy doesn’t act the way a depressed lady does, and the feminine symptoms are the ones most often presented in pharmaceutical ads and those glossy brochures you pick up at your doctor’s office . For example, it is not uncommon for a man to complain to his primary care physician about sleep problems, headaches, fatigue and other unspecified pain, some or all of which may be related to untreated depression. In her Newsweek article, “Men & Depression,” Julie Scelfo writes, “Depressed women often weep and talk about feeling bad; depressed men are more likely to get into bar fights, scream at their wives, have affairs, or become enraged by small inconveniences like lousy service at a restaurant.”

For more information about counseling and psychology, check out my site at

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WebMDHealth Newletter : Men: Do You Need a Health Tune-Up?

Guys, you are not invincible. That’s the message men’s health experts wish you would learn. The earlier, the better. You already know the drill: That means a good diet , frequent exercise , and routine trips to the doctor. But it’s often not until men are into their 60s, after decades of self-neglect, that their thinking begins to change.

For more information about counseling and psychology, check out my site at

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Advantages of Non-Traditional Families – Unconventional Families –

It may be that people are finally getting the idea. After years of pretending that Ozzie and Harriet’s “nuclear family” (what an expression!) was the norm, we seem to have noticed that it was only ever really widespread among the upper middle class or in parts of the country so isolated and wild that not even mothers-in-law came to call. That vision had its brief and waxily shining moment, for a small portion of the population, for a very little while (by 1980, more women worked outside the home than didn’t). For the rest of us, we realize more every day that each branch and twig of love that can be put to use to support our families, whether sprawling and far-flung or tiny and barely afloat, is necessary.

For more information about counseling and psychology, check out my site at

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