Author Archives: R. Marc Andrews Daily Hot Topics: My Gay World: Becoming a Daddy

Aging may be a fact of life and we all have to deal with it, but when you look at the social norms of the gay community juxtaposed against those of mainstream society, it makes me question a lot of things in my life:

Should I still worry about having a six-pack?

Is it wrong to still want to screw guys 24/7 or should I have settled down by now?

Am I pervy if I’m attracted to those guys in their early 20s, or should I just focus on men my own age?

What does it mean if I get off on being called a “Daddy?”

Need i say more. Read the article.

Posted via email from rmarcandrews’s posterous

Gay New Year’s Resolutions

Start the New Year with a promise or resolution that will guarantee a better 2011. Here are the top New Year’s resolutions for gay men.

1) Journal/Blog
2) No more drama (this one is worth reading two times)
3) Mentor LBGT Youth (Just remember all the recent teen suicides)
4) Fight for gay rights
5) Get Tested
6) Come out to yourself (often we forget that this is a ongoing/life time process)
7) Shed Bad Influences
8) Actually workout at the gym
9) Volunteer
10) Stop smoking

Posted via email from rmarcandrews’s posterous

Thank you

I appreciate you taking your time this year to read my blog posting, I hope that you have found them of benefit to you and at times both motivating to do some thing new in your life and maybe even to have a chuckle.

Serious Mental Health Needs Seen Growing at Colleges –

A recent survey by the American College Counseling Association found that a majority of students seek help for normal post-adolescent trouble like romantic heartbreak and identity crises. But 44 percent in counseling have severe psychological disorders, up from 16 percent in 2000, and 24 percent are on psychiatric medication, up from 17 percent a decade ago.

Posted via email from rmarcandrews’s posterous

Internalised homophobia: what it is and how to deal – SX News – Australia’s leading gay and lesbian news source

According to Iain R. Williamson, Internalized homophobia is “the negative and distressing thoughts and feelings experienced by lesbians and gay men about their sexuality, and which are attributed to experiences of cultural heterosexism and victimization

In my clinical work i see that internalized homophobia effects every gay mans life to a greater or lesser degree. we all experience this simply by growing up in a Heterosexual world. Even as a openly gay therapist i find my self on occasion becoming aware of how some subtle form of Internalized homophobia has limited my life and the need to work on resolving it. This posting does a great job of describing internalized homophobia and gives some good examples from the movie Brokeback Mountain and how one man has worked through some of these issues.

Posted via email from rmarcandrews’s posterous