Author Archives: R. Marc Andrews

Young Gay Men At Increased Risk Of HIV Infection

Between 2000 and 2009, 1635 MSM were diagnosed with HIV in Victoria. The median age at HIV diagnosis in MSM declined significantly, from 38.8 years in 2007 to 35.3 years in 2008 and 35.9 years in 2009. In 2009, the number of HIV diagnoses among MSM aged 25-29 years was 62 per cent higher than in 2007. The median age of MSM testing for HIV remained constant at 33 years between 2006 and 2009.

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The Dr. Phil Effect: Why Your Therapist Will Disappoint You | The Dish and the Spoon: Food and the Family

Clients often hope that their therapist will reveal The Truth and provide them with The Answer, in the same way that a soothsayer (or Dr. Phil) might.  Those who are desperate, scared, or just plain tired of thinking and feeling and wondering, might hope to be rescued, delivered from problems which seem intractable and unassailable.

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Sex Toy Gifts – Sex Toy Gifts and Holiday Sex Toys

Spice up your gift giving, for the holidays or any day, with these sex toy gift ideas.  Sex toy gifts may seem a tricker maneuver to perfect, but remember that it’s always the thought that counts, and you never know what will come of planting erotic seed via a well timed, and well chosen sex toy.

What would Christmas be with out toys, for good (and bad) little boys?

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Fund to develop video therapy services by R. M. Andrews & Associates LLC – GoFundMe

After talking to several doctors who refer to me on a regular basis, we determined that there is a great need for quality psychotherapy services for members of the GLBT community living in rural parts of Oregon and the rest of the country.  These individuals will travel  to Portland for occasional medical care with GLBT doctors, but it is much more of a challenge to meet with a mental health care profession with an understanding of their special needs on a weekly basis.  

Please take a look at this. I am trying to expand my service to those who might not otherwise be able to connect with me.

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