While any kind of victimization is traumatic and life-changing, survivors of male childhood sexual abuse have the greatest challenges. Even in our enlightened age, society dictates that boys and men need to be tough, that to be considered “weak” is a disgrace and to have been placed in a powerless position is shameful. How can a man who has been stigmatized into silence believe that this terrible experience is not his fault?
Author Archives: R. Marc Andrews
How to Help Your Partner Cope with Male Sexual Abuse – Oprah.com
You may feel like there’s nothing you can do to help your partner address the lasting effects of childhood sexual abuse, but Dr. Howard Fradkin says there’s always hope. Discover ways to help your partner cope…and strengthen your relationship along the way.
Howard Fradkin, Ph.D. has directed 34 intensive weekends for over 615 male survivors of sexual abuse since 2001. He has worked with more than 500 more male and female survivors, empowering them to heal from the abuse they suffered and the many devastating effects of the abuse.
Sexual Abuse Survivors’ First Steps Toward Healing – Oprah.com
First Steps for a Man Who’s Ready to Talk About His Abuse
This is one of several follow up articles from a recent Oprah Show called “Adult Men who were molested come forward
Working with gay men
Have You Lost Your Self Respect? | Dialectical Behavior Therapy Understood
Adult Interactions Protect Kids from Later Personality Disorders | Psych Central News
A new study discovers the interaction between a child and trusted adult while learning a hobby or some other complicated task appears to provide a protective effect for the youth
Gay & Lesbian News Portland Oregon
I really wish that gay men and lesbians would do more of this because I think that getting into that culture and these students
The Science Behind Falling in Love | Psych Central News
Findings suggest falling in love can elicit not only the same euphoric feeling as using cocaine, but also affects intellectual areas of the brain.
Some of this information will be part of a serious of articles that I am working on concerning male couples.
For more information about counseling and psychology, check out my site at RMarcAndrews.com
6 Ways to Open Up and Talk in Therapy | World of Psychology
Sex Tips – Sexy Halloween Ideas
As adults we can also use Halloween as an excuse to explore parts of our sexuality we might otherwise feel embarrassed or uncomfortable about. In this way Halloween can be a great sexual motivator and instigator, where one night of abandon can open up sexual doors that can be walked through the whole year round. Here are some sexy Halloween inspired ideas for scary sexy fun on October 31.
This one just seems so right for the holiday. Enjoy!
For more information about counseling and psychology, check out my site at RMarcAndrews.com