Author Archives: R. Marc Andrews

How can parents help prevent suicides, bullying? | The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, PA

How can adults create an environment that promotes tolerance and discourages bullying? And is there anything we can do to prevent teen suicides?

A very good article, that gives some practical information on how to treat a safe environment where teens can talk about being gay, bulled, or feeling suicidal.

For more information about counseling and psychology, check out my site at

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Is It a Loving Relationship or an Addiction? | Healing Together for Couples

According to Brenda Schaeffer, who has written about the difference between love and addiction, addiction is composed of three elements: obsession or preoccupation, a feeling of being out of control, and continuation despite negative physical and psychological consequences. As with other addictions, the signs of addictive relating often become increasingly evident

POZ – Newsfeed : 65% of U.S. Gay Men Support HIV Criminalization

65% of U.S. Gay Men Support HIV Criminalization

This concerns me. While I do believe that each of us need to take responsibility for the spread of this disease, and open and honest communication with our sexual partners is important. It scares me that over half of the gay men in this contrary would support crimination laws. This is a slippery slope to go down. Remer (dare I say the good old days) when we visited the hospitals to comfort our lovers and friends who were dying of Aids. When we visited the hospitals even when we have no lovers or friends their, but only to provided support and comfort to any one who suffered and were alone. In the streets we demanded care, drugs, research to end this epidemic. Now we are turning against our self