Author Archives: R. Marc Andrews

Dear 20 years old and depressed

Dear Fabulous Marc,

I am an unfortunate individual trapped in the awkward age range of the 18-20 crowds. Most people just don't realize just how awkward it is for us to want and crave to have a social life away from college when there is literally nothing to do and nowhere for us to go. Where are all the gay hangout spots for the 20 year olds like myself who want to hang with other LGBTQ people without being forced to hang out with 16 year olds? Why can't certain LGBTQ clubs host an 18+ night so that we can go out, too? It's absolutely frustrating to spend summer after summer with no evening social life as a LGBTQ person, having to wait until the dreadful year that I turn 21. Seriously, if I can smoke, vote, pay taxes, pay student loans for college, and have consensual sex and be married, how come I can't have an active nightlife as well? Are there any LGBTQ nightclubs that would be willing to host a night like this for us desperate awkwardly aged people who really crave to meet other LGTBQ people our age? I mean, the only way I'll be entering a gay nightclub this year is when I leave this country-what a shame.

20 years old and Depressed

On Loneliness

When you experience the deep pain of loneliness, it is understandable that your thoughts go out to the person who was able to take that loneliness away, even if only for a moment. When you feel a huge absence that makes everything look useless, your heart wants only one thing

Lost Generation

This video is amazing.

A palindrome reads the same backwards as forward. This video reads the opposite backwards as forward. Not only does it read the opposite, the meaning is the exact opposite..

This is only a 1 minute, 44 second video and it is brilliant. Make sure you read as well as listen…forward and backward.

This is a video that was submitted in a contest by a 20-year old. The contest was titled “u @ 50” by AARP. This video won second place. When they showed it, everyone in the room was awe-struck and broke into spontaneous applause. So simple and yet so brilliant.

Take a minute and watch it.

Posted via web from rmarcandrews’s posterous