Author Archives: R. Marc Andrews

Dating for 40 + gay: 7 Steps to Success | Magnetic Strip

Dating can be quite difficult at times, but the situation can be much more challenging for single gay men, which is one of 40 years and the total weight. In a society where youth and beauty are highly valued, many brokers feel appreciated and separated in a pooling arrangement, which makes it difficult to meet, and relations with potential online dating prospects to support. The problem seems even worse in the gay community, with its emphasis on youth and is a bruteimprovement, which many adult gay men feel unwanted and like an outsider in the gay community.

we are all desirable at any age in our life. as gay men, we have changed the way the world looks at sexulatiy, relationships, art, creativity. we to can be the ones to fight the “over the hill mentality”

Posted via web from rmarcandrews’s posterous

How to Learn a Manual Skill and Use Tools | The Art of Manliness

Manual skills have stopped being passed down from father to son. And in our digital age, much of what we do for both work and pleasure is often conducted in an intangible realm with intangible results.

Day 23
I can relate to this. There are some day when i come home and am asked what did i do today, that i can’t really tell. I talked to a lot of people, i had a lot of meetings… but what do i do? what would it feel like to make pizzas and say that today i made 50 pizzas. that remindes me that i have not eaten yet.

Posted via web from rmarcandrews’s posterous