Author Archives: R. Marc Andrews

Demand ALL Proms Are Fair: Support the Student Non-Discrimination Act |

Constance McMillen was told she wouldn’t be able to bring her girlfriend as her date to Prom, the ACLU intervened on her behalf and the school eventually cancelled the Prom altogether. School officials are currently encouraging a private prom be organized that can continue to deny Constance and her girlfriend entrance.

As a rule I focus on mental health issues and not political issues. In this case I am posting this since I see going to the prom as a social mile stone that so many gay and lesbians have been denied in their lives, a chance to express you relationship choice in a public and supportive way.

I wonder if Itawamba, Mississippi still makes “black” students ride in the back of the bus.

Posted via web from rmarcandrews’s posterous

Bad Sex – How to Have Bad Sex

There may not be one way to have good sex, but I do believe there are a few sure fire ways to not get what you want sexually, and to increase the chances of having bad sex. Here are my top ten ways to have bad sex.

A good place to start is to become aware of the patterns that we find our selves in then move on to finding ways of changing them in to more fulfilling ways of experiencing our sexuality.

For more information please go to my web page

Posted via web from rmarcandrews’s posterous