10 Ways to Find a Good Therapist
Author Archives: R. Marc Andrews
Midlife Crisis Now Midlife Opportunity | Psych Central News
midlife years are the best time of life to flourish and grow.
We would rather be Ruined
We’ve all had powerful conversations that changed our outlook on life, made us really laugh, or just moved us . . .
The Second Coming Out of Gay Men
Couples composed of older and younger men must stop apologizing for and attempting to explain their relationships. Make the status of your relationships clear to others and demand that others respect it.
The Second Coming (Out) of Gay Men
I believe that the lack of information, the prejudices and the misunderstandings about intergenerational relationships exist because heterosexual society believes all gay relationships are predatory. This misrepresentation of the nature of gay relationships is a matter of considerable concern.
The Second Coming (Out) of Gay Men
Why do Some Younger Men Like Older Gay Men?
Local Gay Therapist starts Advice Column on “Fabulous PDX”
Marc Andrews starts Gay Advice Column on Fabulous PDX . Be the first to ask a question! http://fabulouspdx.com/resources/ask-fabulous-marc/
Marc function from the fundamental belief that self-inquiry is a necessary and empowering part of living a fulfilled life. I have dedicated my career to service, and entered private practice out of my commitment to quality care. Specifically, I see a need to address gaps in the mental health and counseling spheres for gay men and those affected by HIV/AIDS. Few male counselors exist, and even fewer male counselors focus on gay male issues. From both observation in my role as a clinical supervisor and as a gay man with his own counselor, I
Though on the new year
We fall into stories;They often break us. We arise renewed.
Let a narrative nag at you.
The Conservative Case for Gay Marriage | Print Article
Together with my good friend and occasional courtroom adversary David Boies, I am attempting to persuade a federal court to invalidate California’s Proposition 8