outh and beauty are qualities women are typically judged on, while men trade on their economic status. Thus, traditionally, heterosexual men and women each know where they stand in the dating game. But in the gay world, youth, beauty and economic status often intermingle, so it becomes particularly difficult for some gay men to not only understand their position in a relationship, but also to refrain from judging, making assumptions or growing defensive when labels such as
Build Positive Emotions through Meditation | Adventures in Positive Psychology
Meditation functions by increasing people
Black Gay Men & Sexual Labels Part 1 – Black Gay Mens Blog
Sexual labeling is commonplace, amongst all gay men, but black gay men seem to take it to another level. These days we have tops, total tops, oral tops, vers tops, versatile, vers bottom, bottom, total bottom and all kinds of deranged derivatives thereof. I say deranged, because most of the time black gay and bisexual men refer to themselves, using their label du jour, they are lying. Simply put, a lot of us are living in a deep state of denial.
I though that this was a good blog and spoke to some important issues, and yes sensitive issues.
Cooties #HIV #AIDS | Sayen CroWolf
Today I was afraid. I fully expected to get my ass kicked and it was all because of my t-shirt. A simple, black tshirt that says
6 Steps to Living a Good, Happy and Long Life | World of Psychology
Compassion. Gratitude. Conscientiousness. Being humble. A little stress to keep you energized and motivated. Using common sense. Hanging out with the people that are doing healthy things. Having a stable relationship.
This is really all it takes.
A Depressing Future for Men? | Psych Central News
Author Boadie Dunlop, M.D., believes economic times and evolving demographics will contribute to the rise in mental health problems among men
Want to Feel Better? Do Something Kind for Someone Else | Adventures in Positive Psychology
research shows that committing acts of kindness is one intentional activity that can have a major influence on our level of happiness.
I Make More Than My Boyfriend – Sharing Bills In A Relationship – Who Pays More In A Relationship
Few things in a partnership are as pragmatic as the equal-share concept, namely because a complicated variable called emotions defy mathematics.
In my clinical practices i often fine it hard for couples to talk openly about their sexual needs and near impossible to talk about money. this is a good article in that it takes the concept of paying a percentage of bills based on income and looking at the relationship as a “single unit”
For more information about counseling and psychology, check out my site at RMarcAndrews.com
Double-Dating Improves Romance | Psych Central News
Richard B. Slatcher, Ph.D., found that couples that spend quality time with other couples are more likely to have happy and satisfying romantic relationships.
The only thing that i would add is that this works for Harry and Tom meet Dick and John….
How to Survive a Valentine’s Day Breakup | eHow.com
Breakups are hard, especially on the love day, Valentine’s Day. Here are a few tips on how to survive the traumatizing event.
With the day after Valentines’s day showing a 40% increase in divorce request. Hear are some helpful suggesting to do deal with after Valentines hard brake. For more information about counseling and psychology, check out my site at RMarcAndrews.com