A recent survey by the American College Counseling Association found that a majority of students seek help for normal post-adolescent trouble like romantic heartbreak and identity crises. But 44 percent in counseling have severe psychological disorders, up from 16 percent in 2000, and 24 percent are on psychiatric medication, up from 17 percent a decade ago.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Suggest a New Sexual Activity
Talking to your partner about trying some new sexual activity can feel risky. You
How to Guide to Mutual Masturbation
Why mutual masturbation is a good idea
Because most of us still have some embarrassment about masturbation lets list some benefits of exploring mutual masturbation:
- Mutual masturbation is a great way to deal with differing sex drives; you don
Reflecting on 2010: A Self Compassion Break | Mindfulness and Psychotherapy
we need to look back on our lives so we can learn from the past, be more intentional in the present and be well in the future. What we need in the process is a little self-compassion.
Internalised homophobia: what it is and how to deal – SX News – Australia’s leading gay and lesbian news source
According to Iain R. Williamson, Internalized homophobia is “the negative and distressing thoughts and feelings experienced by lesbians and gay men about their sexuality, and which are attributed to experiences of cultural heterosexism and victimization
In my clinical work i see that internalized homophobia effects every gay mans life to a greater or lesser degree. we all experience this simply by growing up in a Heterosexual world. Even as a openly gay therapist i find my self on occasion becoming aware of how some subtle form of Internalized homophobia has limited my life and the need to work on resolving it. This posting does a great job of describing internalized homophobia and gives some good examples from the movie Brokeback Mountain and how one man has worked through some of these issues.
Family Research Council | Southern Poverty Law Center
iPrEx trial results of preexposure prophylaxis
But the iPrEx results, far from representing such a breakthrough, indicated that PrEP, at least with Truvada, together with counselling and provision of condoms, reduced new HIV infections among men who have sex with men only modestly. It
Young Gay Men At Increased Risk Of HIV Infection
Between 2000 and 2009, 1635 MSM were diagnosed with HIV in Victoria. The median age at HIV diagnosis in MSM declined significantly, from 38.8 years in 2007 to 35.3 years in 2008 and 35.9 years in 2009. In 2009, the number of HIV diagnoses among MSM aged 25-29 years was 62 per cent higher than in 2007. The median age of MSM testing for HIV remained constant at 33 years between 2006 and 2009.
Natural Depression Treatments: Cognitive Therapy, Exercise, Diet, and More
While therapy and medication are key in controlling depression, there
Always My Son
This is the first of a number of videos from The Family Acceptance project” take a look and pass it on to others