Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Science Behind Falling in Love | Psych Central News

Findings suggest falling in love can elicit not only the same euphoric feeling as using cocaine, but also affects intellectual areas of the brain.

Some of this information will be part of a serious of articles that I am working on concerning male couples.

For more information about counseling and psychology, check out my site at

Posted via email from rmarcandrews’s posterous

Sex Tips – Sexy Halloween Ideas

As adults we can also use Halloween as an excuse to explore parts of our sexuality we might otherwise feel embarrassed or uncomfortable about. In this way Halloween can be a great sexual motivator and instigator, where one night of abandon can open up sexual doors that can be walked through the whole year round. Here are some sexy Halloween inspired ideas for scary sexy fun on October 31.

This one just seems so right for the holiday. Enjoy!

For more information about counseling and psychology, check out my site at

Posted via email from rmarcandrews’s posterous

How can parents help prevent suicides, bullying? | The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, PA

How can adults create an environment that promotes tolerance and discourages bullying? And is there anything we can do to prevent teen suicides?

A very good article, that gives some practical information on how to treat a safe environment where teens can talk about being gay, bulled, or feeling suicidal.

For more information about counseling and psychology, check out my site at

Posted via email from rmarcandrews’s posterous

Is It a Loving Relationship or an Addiction? | Healing Together for Couples

According to Brenda Schaeffer, who has written about the difference between love and addiction, addiction is composed of three elements: obsession or preoccupation, a feeling of being out of control, and continuation despite negative physical and psychological consequences. As with other addictions, the signs of addictive relating often become increasingly evident