Category Archives: Uncategorized

Smartphone Addiction

Computer technologies can be addictive because they’re “psychoactive”; they alter mood and often trigger enjoyable feelings. Email, in particular, gives us satisfaction due to what psychologists call “variable ratio reinforcement.” That is, we never know when we’ll get a satisfying email, so we keep checking, over and over again. “It’s like slot machines,” Greenfield says. “We’re seeking that pleasurable hit.

This one hit home for me. I have been noticing that I am checking email and texts all the time. So I have taken the advice at the end of this article and turned off my alerts. The idea of variable ratio reinforcement is very true. It seems worth going through all those email for Viagra just to get to an email from a friend. Not any more!

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Top Concentration Killers: Multitasking, Boredom, Fatigue, and More

you first need to identify what’s derailing you. Here are six common concentration wreckers and what you can do about them.

With our hectic lives these days, we are all finding it a bit hard to concentrate. Take a look at these common distractions and start to identify the ones you may want to work on.

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Body Image and Sexuality

Our body image and our sexuality can impact each other in unexpected ways. Consider a study that examined the connection between body image and risky sexual practices. The study found that:

  • Men with more positive body image were more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors.
  • Women with more positive body image were less likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors.

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Increase Semen Volume – Is There A Way to Increase Semen Volume

the dozens of companies making unfounded claims about their semen-volume-increasing pills seem to focus on three reasons why men should care enough to buy their products: more semen makes you more masculine, more semen increases your sexual pleasure, and more semen can make you more fertile. Let’s consider each of these claims.

A very good article explaining how Marketing has prayed on our insecurity as gay men. And an answer at to why porn stares cum so much, all smoke and mirrors.

Posted via email from rmarcandrews’s posterous

Bristol-Myers Squibb National Survey Finds a Disparity Between Health Care Providers and HIV Positive Patients Perspectives on the Emotional Barriers to Seeking HIV Care and Treatment

today presented results from a national survey which found that emotional barriers, such as stigma, fear, denial and shame, and structural barriers, such as lack of knowledge, transportation, and insurance coverage, can prevent people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) from seeking care and treatment.

As gay men growing up in a Heterosexual world, we still harbor the deep wound of shame. This is often the root of our denial. Even when we come out sexually we want the world to see us as the successful homosexual, braking away from the stereotype that the culture has of us. When we contract an illness that has been demonized it taps in to that shame and we often go in to denial. The work we need to do is to start to understand our internalized homophobia and separate it from the medical care we need.

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Vista Lateral: Signs of Discrimination’s Demise

When U.S. District Judge Joseph Tauro ruled last week in Massachusetts that the federal law banning same-sex marriage is unconstitutional it reminded me of something. There comes a moment in every struggle for equality when the arguments for maintaining discriminatory laws and practices suddenly seem absurd to reasonable people.

Despite every thing we hear there is always hope both from with in us and out side of us. The conservatives are showing their hand with their irrational behavior and people are beginning to see this.

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