Category Archives: Uncategorized

Crystal Meth, HIV and the Gay Community – The Body

However, we know less about the underlying issues leading people like Tom, Mark and Sean to become addicted to crystal meth. What suffering leads them to lose themselves in the cycles of acting out, escapism and, sometimes, alienation? Maybe the most important components of the crystal meth phenomenon are the least talked about: homophobia and internalized homophobia. Both the prejudiced attitude towards us for our different sexual orientations, and the way we’ve internalized that attitude, results into lowering our sense of self-esteem, self-respect and self-worth.

This is a very good article that looks at some of the underlying issues that cause Crystal Meth to be so wide spread in the gay community.

For more information about counseling and psychology, check out my site at

Posted via web from rmarcandrews’s posterous

Sex Tips

Some, but not all of us, are aware when something turns us on. We might find ourselves just slightly more tuned in, or note a change in our bodies. It might be sudden and shocking or slow and subtle. Whether you

Communicating With Your Father | The Art of Manliness

Every boy wants a perfect father. He wants the man who acts as protector when things go bump in the night, who teaches him out to break in a baseball glove and how to shave, who gives him advice on women, and who becomes a friend and confidant later in life.

Of course, every dad is human and lives up to our dreams of perfection to varying degrees. He may fall so short of the father we hoped for that we ache in disappointment for what might have been. Or he may be so close to the ideal that we still fear that we may never live up to the example he set. Either way, our relationship with our father shaped us as no other, and our feelings about that relationship run deep, whether we can even acknowledge them or not.

The feelings that exist between father and son are rarely expressed. Many of us still think about that one time our father said,

Simplify: How to Declutter Your Life | The Art of Manliness

The simple life is a manly life because a man defines himself not by his possessions but by his character, virtues, relationships, and experiences. These are the things that he invests his time, energy, and emotions in, because these are the things that no natural disaster, no bomb, no prison can ever take away from him. The less stuff we accumulate, the less energy we have to devote to the maintenance of it, and the more energy we can put into becoming better men.

Day 13

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