Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sexual Minority Identity Development – Psychiatric Times

A very grounded article on sexual identity development from a reputed Journal. the major points to take away are these:
Sexual minority adolescents due to fear of stigma, and rejection can lead to the use of compartmentalization as a defense
Their is a difference in the context of identity development between males and females.
The age of self identifying has decreased over the last 10 years.
Youths with same sex orientations are twice as likely to report suicide attempts/ideation and more likely to abuse alcohol, feel hopeless, depressed and victimized
Adolescents are attuned to the clinician

Gay Middle School Kids Face Abuse | Best Gay Blogs

9 out 10 gay middle school kids face abuse! More than 9 out of 10 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender American middle school students have said they experienced harassment at school in the past year simply because of their sexual orientation.

This report makes me think of what it was like when I was in high school, back in the day. Just starting to understand my feeling towards other boys, fearing to talk to my parents or school personal about the harassment because it would cause me to expos

POZ – POZ Magazine – – Treatment News : Depression Greatly Impairs Treatment Adherence

Depression has been found in several studies to negatively affect the ability of people living with HIV to take their medications on time and as directed. Not all studies have been able to quantify the effect of depression on adherence, however….It is critical to strengthen referral systems to ensure appropriate treatment

Penis-enlargement scams: You’re more normal than you think –

The fear that your penis looks too small or is too small to satisfy your partner during sex is a common fear. But a number of studies have shown that most men who think their penis is too small actually have normal-sized penises.

Come on admit it. We have all gotten out the measuring tape at one point in our life. Society continues to bombard us with messages that we are what we should be and is always willing to offer us a solution for a fee. We need to continue to be aware of the messages we get as men and challenge them. And remember that we are perfect in just who we are. This article makes you wonder what is really going on with all those gay dating web sights.

Posted via web from rmarcandrews’s posterous

This Week is Suicide Prevention Week

Many of the risk factors that are associated with suicide are the same symptoms associated with coming to terms with sexual orientation or gender identity.

Risk factors associated with suicide:

+ Feeling alone
+ Feeling hopelessness
+ Alcohol and drug abuse
+ Guilt
+ History of depression

For any out their who may be experiencing any of these symptoms. Please know that you can get help and that you are not alone. Their are many effective therapies that treat these symptoms and you can get your life back.

Posted via web from rmarcandrews’s posterous