Category Archives: Uncategorized

Depression’s Evolutionary Roots: Scientific American

we argue that depression is in fact an adaptation, a state of mind which brings real costs, but also brings real benefits.

While I do believe there is some merit to this theory. Some of the symptoms that go along with depression can lead to problems resolution, such as rumination that causes a person to think intensely about the problem that they are facing. I believe that every thing that we do is adaptive and supports our growth. When that adaptive process gets stuck it becomes maladaptive. Rumination is disabilitating when there is the lack of energy to follow though with the implementation of the solutions. Also with depression individuals are not aware of the problem that brought the depression on or they have been depressed so long that their thinking patters do not return too normal.

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Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy: An Interview with Zindel Segal | Mindfulness and Psychotherapy

Both these approaches help the person changes their relationship to thinking.

Dr. Zindel Segal talks about Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy. the combination of each provides two unicke ways of approching the negative thought that we often have. Cognitive thearpy helps us identify the thought, then examining them to see what evidence may not support then. Dr. Zindel Segal talks about Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy. The combination of each provides two unique ways of approaching the negative thought that we often have. Cognitive therapy helps us identify the thought, then examining them to see what evidence may not support then. Then apply a more rational argument to the negative thought. Mindfulness training allows us to just observe the thought as they come, sit with them and then see how they pass and lead to other thoughts. This allows us the perspective of stepping out of the thoughts and seeing what little impact they really have on us.

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Mental Health: Maybe gays, lesbians and bisexuals are braver and smarter | Depression On My Mind

Of the smorgasbord of mental health news in my email box this morning was a press release on a UCLA study that found lesbians, gays and bisexuals are twice as likely as heterosexual men and women to seek help from mental health professionals. I do not find this surprising.

The ignorant masses out there – who believe that homosexuality is an unholy plague – probably aren

Use Your Focus for Comfier Knees – RealAge Tip of the Day

Got a creaky knee or a sore neck? Take a deep breath and say “Om.”Yep, research suggests that people who practice Zen meditation not only are far less sensitive to pain but also are better at coping with it.

Not Feeling So Hot
In a study, pain thresholds seemed to be much higher for Zen meditators than for nonmeditators. When exposed to a heat source, the Zen meditators could tolerate higher temps. What

Antidepressant Use Nearly Doubles

Antidepressant Use Nearly Doubles
Researchers Find Antidepressant Use Up, Psychotherapy Down

By Kathleen Doheny
WebMD Medical News
Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD

Aug. 3, 2009 — Antidepressant use has nearly doubled in the U.S, according to a new study.

Meanwhile, the use of psychotherapy by those prescribed the antidepressants has declined during the same period studied, from 1996 to 2005.

“I expected there to be an increase [in antidepressant use], but I didn’t expect the increase to be as large as we actually found,” says Mark Olfson, MD, MPH, professor of clinical psychiatry at New York State Psychiatric Institute of Columbia University, who co-authored the study with Steven C. Marcus, PhD, of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

”Ten percent of the population is being treated with an antidepressant during the course of a year,” he says. That compares to 5.8% in 1996, he found.

Although part of the uptick can be linked to the fact that mental health treatment is becoming more common and accepted, Olfson tells WebMD that he fears the medications may sometimes be prescribed “in a casual way.”

The study appears in the Archives of General Psychiatry.

Antidepressant Use Trends: Study Details

Olfson and Marcus analyzed data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Surveys, sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, which provides national estimates in the U.S. about health care use and costs.

For the 1996 survey, nearly 19,000 people aged 6 and older were included, and more than 28,000 in the 2005 survey. A designated adult in each household answered questions about prescribed medications, medical visits, and other information.

The rate of antidepressant treatment increased from 5.84% to 10.12 % — or from 13 million people to about 27 million, the researchers found.

One exception to the trend involved African-Americans. “African-Americans really did stand out as one group that didn’t experience a significant increase in antidepressant use,” Olfson says. In 1996, 3.6% of African-Americans surveyed were on antidepressants and 4.5% in 2005.

Another important finding, Olfson says, is that fewer people on antidepressants surveyed in 2005 also took part in psychotherapy or “talk therapy.” Although 31.5% of those surveyed in 1996 on antidepressants also did talk therapy, just 19.8% of those surveyed in 2005 both took antidepressants and participated in psychotherapy.

Often, the two are recommended together for depression .

Antidepressant Use Trends: Study Interpretations

The researchers say a number of factors explain the increasing use of antidepressants. “There has been broad and growing acceptance of antidepressant medicine in the U.S.,” Olfson tells WebMD.

In an unrelated survey released last week, researchers found that American attitudes toward psychiatric medicines are becoming more positive. The researchers compared the responses of people in surveys done in 1998 and 2006.

Other factors explaining the increase, according to Olfson:

  • Major depression is more common. Two surveys found the prevalence of major depression in adults rose from 3.3% in 1991-1992 to 7.1% in 2001-2002.
  • Since 1996, several new antidepressants have come on the market.
  • Clinical guidelines support the use of antidepressants for conditions other than depression, such as anxiety disorders.

The lower increase in antidepressant use among African-Americans may be cultural, Olfson says, with a tendency to embrace psychotherapy over medication. “There is also some evidence that African-Americans as compared to whites have lower rates of depression,” he says. That may be part of the story as well.”

Antidepressant Use Trends: Second Opinion

Another expert says the research seems to have both encouraging and not-so-encouraging implications.

The encouraging implication is that “people are not so embarrassed, that they are more open to seeking help for depression,” says Eric Caine, MD, the John Romano Professor and chair of the Department of Psychiatry, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, N.Y., who reviewed the study for WebMD.

The fall in psychotherapy use found in the Olfson study, however, is a concern, Caine says. “In mild to moderate depression, psychotherapy is as good as or better than medications,” Caine says. He emphasizes that the antidepressants are lifesavers for some and sometimes needed. But, he adds, ”in the population as a whole, most depression is mild or moderate.”

Antidepressant Use: Take-Home Point

Deciding to take an antidepressant should be treated by the prescribing physician and the patient as an important one, Olfson says. “Know that it requires monitoring,” he says, “and to have symptoms followed over time.”

”There is a risk out there of ‘casual’ prescriptions ,” Olfson says. “The risk is that people will get these medications but not the surrounding attention and care that we know is needed to have the very best outcome.”

a good article. i think that the “antidepressant use trends: second opinion” is a good summery of the key issues

Posted via web from rmarcandrews’s posterous

for those of you looking for counseling this is a good article to read to become a informed consumer.

Characteristics of Effective Counseling

By Lynn Ponton, Ph.D.

February 17, 2006

Effective counseling is a two way street. It takes a cooperative effort by both the person receiving counseling and the counselor. And it takes a commitment to make sometimes difficult changes in behavior or thinking patterns.

What you expect to achieve with your counselor should be clearly defined as you begin your counseling. You and your counselor should discuss realistic time frames for reaching your goals and agree on how you will measure your progress.
